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White Cloud Mountain minnow

(Tanichthys albonubes)


Category: Fish



This hard species of minnow is native to China and is quite popular in the aquarium trade. Because of their tolerance for a variety of water conditions, they are considered a good fish for the beginning aquarium hobbyist. They are also used in ponds to control mosquito larvae and will reproduce in these conditions if there are no other species of fish present.




Data & Facts

Scientific Classification
Kingdom - Animalia
Phylum - Chordata
Class - Actinopterygii
Order - Cypriniformes
Family - Cyprinidae
Genus - Tanichthys
Species - T. albonubes

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Interesting Animal Facts

Undersea Conversations…

While it isn’t obvious, fish have ears, and are able to communicate to one another through sounds. They don’t have vocal chords, but instead vibrate their swim bladders, producing popping, grunting, moaning, barking, or chirping noises. While some species of fish, like the goldfish, are silent listeners, there are over 1000 species that are known to vocalize, and some, like the gurnard who are veritable chatterboxes. While we can’t have a conversation with them - at least not yet - it is theorized that they do it to attract mates, frighten away predators or competitors, to synchronize mating, call for help and warn others, or to orient themselves.

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