Category: Fish
Despite the potent venom found in their dorsal fins, several species of lionfish are popular in the aquarium trade and their generally peaceful natures and hardiness make them appropriate for intermediate marine hobbyists. While some species of lionfish can grow well over a foot long, requiring very large tanks, there are several smaller species appropriate for small tanks in the 30-50 gallon range. They are carnivores that will devour any fish or invertebrates that fit into their cavernous mouths, so they should be kept with similarly or larger sized peaceful tank-mates. Lionfish like to hide out in caves when not out hunting, usually at dawn and dusk, so provide them with places to escape from view. Some species of lionfish, such as, P. volitans and P. miles, have become invasive species as they move beyond or been transplanted from their native tropical habitats.
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ABC. It’s easy as Protandry
The largest, most aggressive female anemonefish rules the roost - she is the dominant member of the social group, and with one breeding male, the only one who reproduces. In anemonefish society, everybody knows where they stand in the hierarchy! So when she leaves the group, everybody moves up one spot - including the largest, most aggressive male, who undergoes a sex change to become the leader (and breeding female) of the group. While undergoing a sex change might sound drastic to humans, it is actually not all that uncommon in other species. Many do it, either naturally or due to environmental factors: fish, invertebrates, amphibians, some reptiles, even the occasional chicken!
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